Watchdog Uganda

Watchdog Uganda Latest News in Uganda and the rest of East African Region, Daily news and business from Uganda.Thu, 05 Aug 2021 09:08:13 +0000en-GB hourly 1 Uganda 3232Since when did inciting terrorism become political activism? MP Nsereko bashes Bobi Wine, NUP for standing with arrested ‘criminal’ Lumbuye Thu, 05 Aug 2021 09:08:13 +0000 Central Member of Parliament Muhammad Nsereko has castigated the leader of National Unity Platform (NUP) Robert Kyagulanyi alias Bobi Wine and a section of his supporters for advocating for the rights of controversial blogger Fred Lumbuye who was allegedly arrested on Tuesday.

Lumbuye was reportedly arrested in Turkey from where he was broadcasting his hard hitting youtube and Facebook videos targeting government of Uganda and Buganda Kingdom officials.

Its alleged that unknown people arrested Lumbuye and his whereabouts are yet to be unearthed up to date. The blogger is wanted in Uganda on hateful propaganda against President Museveni’s government.

Lumbuye  is the blogger who announced Kabaka Mutebi of Buganda and President Museveni dead, leading to speculation on the health of the principals.

And according to Nsereko, Lumbuye is a criminal who doesn’t deserve any sympathy. The legislator even wonders why Bobi Wine and colleagues are busy fighting for the rights of a man whose purpose is to blackmail, spread hate speeches and incite terrorism in Uganda.

“Since when did propaganda, blackmail, hate speech and inciting terrorism become political activism? All the hypocrites that have been funding the goon are now posting garbage in his support, ‘Activist’ my foot,” Nsereko posted on his Facebook page on Wednesday.

Following the arrest of Lumbuye, Bobi Wine said the news of the blogger’s arrest was a great concern to many Ugandans who support freedom both home and abroad.

“For now, we are working around the clock to establish the facts, and I am grateful to all those who are doing everything to support his case, including our diaspora leadership teams. Our leadership team at home has also engaged the Turkish Embassy on the matter,” the musician turned politician said.

“We all must be very concerned about this development, because as we know many Ugandans only feel safe to criticise the regime in Uganda from a safe distance in countries abroad. The governments of the world ought to protect the rights of political dissidents and exiles who have sought refuge in their countries. Ugandans abroad ought to feel safe,”he added.

]]>Two perish in nasty Mbarara road accident Thu, 05 Aug 2021 09:03:41 +0000 people have died in Kiruhura District in an accident involving two motor vehicles. The accident occurred at about 11:00pm on Wednesday at Rwebitete Lyantonde/ Mbarara road.

The accident occurred between motor vehicle registration number UBJ 436H/ UBA 787S Benz Actros White in color loaded with cement and motor vehicle registration number UAW 901Z Mitsubishi Fuso red in color with an empty milk tanker.

The victims include the driver of the milk tanker identified as Mohammed Kahima and passenger identified as Suna Mathias aged, 28.

According to Samson Kasasira, Rwizi Region Police Spokesperson, other three people sustained serious injuries.

They include Musingize Zefa of Kagarama Isingiro, Kyarutaba Victor and Mubiru Collins.

The driver of the vehicle carrying cement by names of Kayongo Abdul aged, 48, along with other victims are admitted at Lyantonde district Hospital. The dead bodies are in the mortuary of the same hospital.

]]>EXO Mix Drink: Stress killer vodka hits Ugandan market Thu, 05 Aug 2021 08:29:43 +0000 the on going Covid-19 pandemic and simultaneous Lockdowns,many people are stressed, bored, others need to tryout new adventure.

Well, look no further, EXO Mix Drink is here to give you a new episode of unmatched adventure with zero boredom. All you gotta do is to love this new favourite drink.

EXO Mix Drink which is already on the Ugandan market is an alcopop drink, manufactured with highest quality standards in Belgium.

Timothy Mukisa, the brand’s Operations Manager says the drink withholds its uniqueness in two flavors; Vodka Energy Mix- an energy drink with a vodka just enough to discover your enigmatic self-side and Vodka Orange Mix- a drink that is a replica of a new cocktail experience which gives you a sweet taste of Oranges.

“So now you realize both the strength and passion are mixed in a 250ml can and alc. 18% as sparkle for the hype identity of the moment. If you need to enjoy to the fullest without compromising the sense that makes us appreciated by friends, family and the new people you intend to meet. EXO Mix is the answer,” says Mr Mukisa.

“For home parties, outdoor functions, tours, game drives, EXO Mix definitely the best choice.”

For orders and deliveries please contact us on +256752916391

You can keep tabs by following on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram â€" @EXOMixUg

]]>Why Museveni cleared workers’ mid-term access to NSSF Savings Thu, 05 Aug 2021 08:09:25 +0000 HOUSE, ENTEBBE: President Yoweri Museveni on Wednesday agreed to the workers mid-term access to their saving in the National Social Security fund and directed the Minister for Gender, Labour and Social Development Betty Amongi to make changes to the bill and return it for consent.

Using dramatic backdrops and biblical sayings, the President noted if this does not work out, it will be a lesson learned together.

“You remember Shakespeare’s play The Merchant of Venice? Shylock with his my pound of flesh whether you die or what! For the NRM not to be that Shylock and since these people think this is the solution, lets go ahead. If it doesn’t work out we shall see..learn together instead of being like shylock,” the President said, before adding, “You go, I wash my hands. I have become Pontious Pilate!”

Shylock is a fictional character in William Shakespeare’s play The Merchant of Venice, a Venetian Jewish moneylender.
While in St. Matthew’s gospel, Pontius Pilate ‘washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person’. This was to show the crowd he did not want Jesus dead, but ordered his death because that is what the people wanted. He was washing his hands of the responsibility.

It has now been agreed that somebody who is 45 years and has saved for ten years can access up to 20% of their savings. The commencement date will be set in the statutory instrument, supervision of the fund is by the Ministry of Finance, while the NSSF MD is a member of the Board of directors.

Conflicting information and change in wording regarding the National Social Security (Amendment) bill forced the President to push a major decision on the workers mid-term access to today.

The workers representatives attended the meeting, representatives from the Ministry of Finance led by the Minister Matia Kasaijja, the MD of NSSF Richard Byarugaba members of NOTU and COFTU.

The President said he was more concerned about destroying the viability of the fund.

“The fear was if you do that, you degrade huge money put together and which the fund is using to invest instead of going abroad to beg. Also a worker may end up getting less by 30 million at his retirement,” he said.

According to the NSSF MD Richard Byarugaba, the fund collects Shs 125bn a month, Shs 1.5trillion per year and pay up to Shs 900bn for members qualifying in other benefits.

However, Minister Amongi Betty said they had delved into all the issues and their conclusion is that, it would not have a substantial impact on the depletion of the fund because the fund is Shs 15 trillion and they need between Shs 800bn to 1 trillion to handle mid-term access at a go.

“We agreed to schedule it. We don’t pay all at a go but about 20% of members in a certain period and have also have a criteria like age and amount saved,” she said.

The Minister of Finance Matia Kasaija said they had already done brief to the President on how they are going to handle this including formation of regulations that will govern the way the money will get out.

NOTU Chairman General Usher Owere commended President Museveni for the bold decision and thanked him on behalf workers of Uganda for listening to their plight.

“Workers are very happy with you. You have saved this country and workers will never forget you. I thank the workers for being patient,” he said.

Every month, institutions deduct 5% of employees’ salaries as contribution to NSSF, the employers tops it up with 10 percent while NSSF earns them 12%.

NSSF is a government agency responsible for the collection, safekeeping, responsible investment and distribution of retirement funds from employees in the private sector who are not covered by the government retirement scheme.

]]>Kenya Deputy President Ruto defends his friendship with Museveni after humiliating booted visit to Uganda Thu, 05 Aug 2021 07:41:32 +0000 Deputy President William Ruto has come out strongly to defend his friendship with Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, which is causing mixed feelings among Kenyans.

On Monday, Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta blocked Ruto from coming to Uganda to meet President Museveni.

Ruto was scheduled to fly to Entebbe, accompanied by a seven-man entourage comprising of his close political allies and businessmen.

However, the Deputy President was dramatically denied from boarding a flight to Uganda for not seeking clearance as all civil servants should.

Now speaking during an interview, Ruto wondered why there is so much fuss about his relationship with Museveni, saying they are just friends.

“Museveni is a friend to the President, he is my friend. I have been to Uganda for his campaigns.”

“Even these NASA principals have campaigned for him because of the relationship between Kenya and Uganda.”

“Why is it ok for him to be their friend and not mine?” DP Ruto wondered as quoted by Daily Post, a local Kenyan news website.

The failed trip to Uganda on Monday was Ruto’s second visit there in a month.

The second in command has been criticized over his relationship with Museveni, with many critics saying there’s something fishy about the duo’s friendship.

]]>Eddy Kenzo survives death by whisker after nasty car accident on Masaka Road Thu, 05 Aug 2021 07:25:37 +0000 Edrisa Musuuza has survived death by a whisker after getting involved in a nasty car accident along Kampala-Masaka Road.

The accident happened near Stabex fuel station in Maya Town,along Masaka Road on Thursday morning.

According to Kenzo , the driver of the car occupied by three people lost control due to the slippery road following the morning downpour.

“We got an accident earlier today but we thank God for the protection we are all okay,” Kenzo said in a Facebook post today.

Fortunately, none of the occupants sustained serious injuries.

“This happened today morning and all the three people in the car survived without any damage. We thank the good Lord for his protection,” he added.

]]>Why Kampala landlords defeated Kacita in court Thu, 05 Aug 2021 06:56:30 +0000 Management Services (CMS) Ltd has filed a bill of more than Shs215 million as compensation for legal costs incurred during the defence of the case against Kampala City Traders Association (Kacita) Uganda Ltd.

This follows the dismissal of a Court case in which Kacita was seeking for orders to stop Crane Management Services Ltd and 16 other landlords from collecting three months’ rent arrears that accrued when arcades closed during the 2020 lockdown.

In April, the High Court dismissed the case citing failure of the traders’ association to prosecute their case.

The court then ordered Kacita to pay legal costs incurred by Crane Management Services and the other 16 accused parties.

The other accused parties included; Ntake Bakery Limited, Apple Properties Limited, Godfrey Kyeswa, Aponye House Limited, James Mugabi, Drake Lubega, Ham Enterprises Limited, Mansur Matovu alias Yanga, Christine Nabukeera, Daudi Mutebi, Yebaza Joseph, Ahmed Zziwa, Tom Kitandwe, Godfrey Kirumira Kalule, Twese Enterprises Limited and Mutasa Kafeero.

Kacita, claiming to represent 38 of its members, had sued the seventeen landlords for orders to stop them from demanding rent arrears for three months of March, April and May of 2020 when the business community was under lockdown.

In May 7, 2020, the association also petitioned the national Covid-19 taskforce under the Office of the Prime Minister seeking for intervention to compel the landlords to waive the rent arrears since the traders did not work due to the lockdown.

They had asked the government to declare that the three months was a loss to the entire economy and therefore no rent obligation will be accrued to tenants for both commercial premises and rentable apartments or that when landlords file their annual returns for the year 2020/21, their rental income tax obligations should be waived against the three which they never earned.

But in their defence, Crane Management Services Limited argued that the case did not disclose any cause of action against it and asked that the case be dismissed.

The company argued that Kacita had brought the case in bad faith on behalf of an alleged group of purported tenants who comprise less than 1 percent of all the tenants they collectively have as downtown landlords without the express authority of the vast majority of genuine tenants that enjoy cordial relationships with their landlords.

Crane Management Services Limited under the proprietorship of Dr Sudhir Ruparelia is a member of Kacita but it did not authorise, consent to and or approved the institution of the case (against landlords) and that the relationship between it and the tenants is governed by tenancy agreements which clearly define the obligations of the parties therein.

Court documents show that notwithstanding the closure of shops and prohibition against the sale of non-food items by the government, it continued to pay its taxes and or bills such as water, electricity, bank loan facilities and security for the malls and arcades.

]]>LOP Mpuuga faults government over its failed role in economic recovery Thu, 05 Aug 2021 06:20:17 +0000 Leader of the Opposition (LOP), Mathias Mpuuga has faulted government on its role in the recovery of the economy, saying that the state has relegated almost all its core obligations to the private sector.

Mpuuga made these remarks while delivering his response to President Yoweri Museveni’s State of the Nation Address. The Opposition leader made his response on 04 August 2021 in fulfilment of the statutory obligations under Rule 52 of Parliament’s Rules of Procedure.
Mpuuga said that government is ceding ground in most critical sectors such as finance, education and health.

“During previous regimes, these sectors were prioritised by government and made strides in developing infrastructure that delivered affordable services across the country,” he said.

Mpuuga added that preference is usually given to foreign rather than local investors, on justification that the former brings huge investments into the economy.

“In return, government awards them incentives such as tax waivers, land and guarantees among others,” he said.

He also criticised government for using the Covid-19 pandemic as a cover up for almost every failure. Of late, Mpuuga said, government attributes the contraction of the economy to the pandemic, rising poverty levels, escalating public debt and poor service delivery.

“Before the pandemic, these concerns were already manifest. The lifeline of the economy has for long, been borrowing,” Mpuuga said.

Meanwhile, Napak District Woman Representative, Faith Nakut said that the President’s resolve to continue funding the Uganda Development Bank to give loans for manufacturing, agriculture, tourism and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) at lower lending rates, shows government’s commitment towards supporting local entrepreneurs.

“This will support import substitution, industrialisation and agro-industrialisation which is value addition to our locally made produce,” she said.
Nakut made these remarks as she moved a motion to debate the State of the Nation Address presented by the President on 04 July 2021.

Nakut said that the establishment of a special development fund to encourage manufacturing and other economic opportunities in each sub region will ensure that development and economic activities are distributed.

“These industries will be adding value to what is locally produced in each sub-region in the same way government invested in the Soroti fruit factory in Teso, Atiak sugar factory in Acholi and tea in Kigezi and Tooro,” she said.

Nakut said that economy continued to grown despite the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic and other disasters. “Had it not been for the Covid-19 pandemic, the economy was projected to grow by 6.3 percent and 6.2 percent in financial years 2019/2020 and 2020/2021, respectively. Unlike other countries which have been faced with similar challenges, the economy has not collapsed because of the firm policies,” she said.

The response by the LOP and the motion thanking the president attracted a debate which lasted almost two hours, with some legislators applauding government while others called for better interventions across all government sectors.

Phiona Nyamutoro, the National Female Youth MP said the President’s advice to the youth to embrace the ICT should be embraced to enhance skills and expose youth to opportunities worldwide.

“It is important in generating diverging forces that the young people should focus on this advice,” she said.

Christine Kaaya (NUP, Kiboga District) called for deliberate efforts to avert the effects of climate change, saying that climate change has posed challenges to the agricultural sector.
“When we keep on reminding our people that we are targeting to shift from subsistence to commercial agriculture and we have not resolved the issue of climate change, I feel we are lying to ourselves,” she said.

Betty Aol Ocan (FDC, Gulu city) pointed out that the state of the nation address did not highlight issues on education, arguing that a country is judged by the quality of the people and education.

“The quality of our people keeps going down because of the quality of education. We need to sit on the drawing board to find means of ensuring quality education reaches to children in rural areas,” she said.

]]>Parliament calls for audit of Covid-19 expenditures Thu, 05 Aug 2021 06:06:41 +0000 Auditor General should institute a forensic audit into all Covid-19 expenditures to ascertain value for money, the Parliamentary Task Force on the national Covid-19 response has recommended.

In its report presented to Parliament during on 03 August 2021, the task force stated that government provided Shs4 trillion to finance Covid-19 expenditure since its onset in March 2020. The report states thatshs314 billion was provided in 2019/2020, shs2.7 trillion for 2020/2021 and shs932 billion for 2021/22.

The task force however, found that whilst Parliament appropriated Shs22 billion to support creation of 20 isolation centres in each district and undertake surveillance centres as a means of slowing down disease transmission, no district has an isolation centre.

“Government should submit detailed accountability to Parliament for Shs22 billion to facilitate establishment of 20 isolation centres per district indicating the location in each district where such facilities were established,” Dicksons Kateshumbwa (NRM, Sheema Municipality) said while presenting part of the report on accountability and expenditures.

He also reported that a review of the external financing accountabilities submitted by the Ministry of Health revealed that most of the items that were funded were similar in nature and purpose as those funded using the government budget. “The Ministry of Health reported that Shs389 billion was received as external financing for the period March 2019 to June 2021. The contingency emergency response funds were spent on coordination, risk communication, ICT innovations, among others,” Kateshumbwa added.

Bugweri County MP, Abdu Katuntu who is also the chairperson of the task force said government is still spending large sums of money on Covid-19 containment measures at the expense of mass vaccination.

“There is an urgent need to prioritise vaccination of the 21.9 million Ugandans over the age of 18. The 4.3 million doses required should be sourced through donations, direct procurement and if possible, through private companies,” he said. The task force proposed creation of a Covid-19 Fund to centrally receive and deploy all resources related to the management of the Covid-19 pandemic to avoid leakages, diversions and unclear prioritization.

“The task force noted that some of the accountability issues raised by the Auditor General on the management of Covid-19 funds resulted from the haphazard management of available funds without a central collection and disbursement point,” the report read in part.

The MPs also found out that health facilities were in dire need of Intensive Care Units, assorted equipment such as standard ICU beds, enough oxygen and oxygen cylinders.

“The task force recommends that the Ministry of Health follows proper planning procedures before haphazard procurement and distribution of equipment,” the report stated.

The task force was constituted by the Deputy Speaker, Anita Among comprising regional teams that visited Northern, Eastern, Western and Central regions.
The objective of the task force which commenced work on 29 June 2021 was to among others, inquire into and report on government’s preparedness and response to Covid-19 and to provide assessment of health impact of Covid-19 in the community and country at large.

]]>DENIS JJUUKO: 28 years of Kabaka Mutebi and what lies ahead Thu, 05 Aug 2021 05:47:59 +0000 the 1990s, with many of Uganda’s population dying from preventable diseases, there was need for massive vaccinations. Many parents and guardians of children looked at vaccinations with a suspicious eye â€" same way some people look at COVID-19 vaccinations. The Bazungu, people argued, want them dead. Vaccines, the argument went had a secret ingredient to stop Africans from giving birth so the Bazungu can take their land.

The antivaxxers were taking the day and winning the argument. Kabaka Ronald Mutebi appeared in Mawokota and immunized just one baby. With cameras clicking, the antivaxxers lost the argument. The Kabaka loves his people and therefore can’t be part of a scheme to kill them. Many parents and guardians who were previously skeptical embraced the vaccination campaign.

As Kabaka Mutebi marked his 28th anniversary last weekend, his influence on health and education has been immense. His role didn’t end with immunizations. We know much more about fistula and sickle cell disease because of his recent campaigns to create awareness and then find remedies especially through the revived Kabaka Birthday Run that is held every April.

As the UNAIDS Goodwill Ambassador for Male Engagement on HIV/AIDS, there is hope that when studies finally come out, there will be much more reductions in numbers of people getting infected by this disease and perhaps have it fully eliminated by 2030.

Kabaka Mutebi has in the last 28 years used his immense political and social power to influence development. Education is important if people are to be healthy and it is only a healthy informed population that can get itself out of poverty. Of course, this didn’t start with Mutebi, his predecessors pushed for sanitation in homes. Lack of a pit latrines or a rack for utensils was unacceptable â€" a reminder that Buganda had always put its people at the forefront. But for the 27 years, the kingdom had been abolished, people had given up hope.

His education schemes including bursaries awarded not only to the people of Buganda but to all Ugandans from across the country are perhaps the biggest such programme in the country. Many people today including some that are now becoming leaders got their education through theKabaka’s Education Fund. He didn’t stop there, he set up schools among them a technical institute and a fully-fledged university.

Today, through poverty alleviation programmes like Emmwanyi Terimba, we are seeing unprecedented numbers of coffee exports with 618,388 bags of 60kgs exported in June 2021 alone. People who had abandoned coffee in Buganda are growing it again. Most of Uganda’s coffee is grown in Buganda. Where people grow coffee, they also grow Matooke ensuring food security for the region. Borrowing from CBS FM’s successful Pewosa programme, there is need to organize these farmers at village, parish, subcounty and county levels into cooperatives so they can use their collective power to advance their interests such as owning milling and processing plants and starting exporting companies.

The kingdom budget has increased from zero in the 1990s to Shs121 billion in 2021. All this growth is having an effect on the region and the country at large. In the last 28 years, the kingdom has set up 33 companies and organisations, which directly employ Ugandans and pay taxes to the government of Uganda thereby contributing to national development.

Although so much has been achieved already, there is so much that needs to be done. The people of Buganda want a modern hospital. Although that may be a tall order at the moment, it is possible. However, the kingdom could start with telemedicine. Using its 18 county headquarters as a base to set up commercially viable clinics and then deploy technology to reach people. Most people, like we have seen with COVID-19, don’t need to visit hospitals. Doctors and healthworkers can reach them using videocalls and other such options. A lab worker can then go to them to get samples for testing and then medicine is prescribed. A future prosperous Buganda will have to rely a lot on technology to reach people.

Drawing on the experiences of male engagement on HIV/AIDS, the kingdom may also need to do some work on the boy child especially in urban areas. Previously, once a boy turned 18, they left their father’s house and went to start life on their own. That made people prosperous because they used most of their energetic years working hard. Today, many of the highly educated urban male youth are comfortable talkers and not doers. Owning the latest iPhone has become a yardstick for success. Role modelling for them is important and nobody is more suited for this than Kabaka Mutebi and his team of administrators.

The writer is a communication and visibility consultant.


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