Our veterans need our support

It’s fitting that Veterans Day and Thanksgiving occur only a few short weeks apart because every year around this time, I reflect on how thankful I am to live in the freest country in the world. I reflect on the brave men and women of our Armed Forces who would gladly lay down their lives in an instant to defend those serving alongside them, along with every American at home. I also reflect on my more than two decades in the Armed Forces, which has given me so much, including meeting my wife Layla, a retired veteran who served our country for 20 years.  

I’ve spent my life running towards the danger. I was attending Airborne School when our nation was attacked on September 11. I would go on to become a Green Beret. Green Berets are Diplomat warriors that operate in small teams and are focused on a “By, With, and Through indigenous forces approach.” We are selected for traits and capabilities and trained to operate in austere and complex situations with little to no oversight. 

In this capacity, I was deployed to Afghanistan, Iraq and twice to South America. While in active combat in Afghanistan in 2007, I sustained injuries that would lead to the amputation of my leg. Thankfully, I was still able to requalify as a fully deployable Green Beret and serve on active duty for five more years.  The sacrifices I happily made for my country are sacrifices I would not think twice about making again. 

The brave men and women of our Armed Forces do the best they can to serve our country. Some who I served alongside were not as lucky as I have been. Some paid the ultimate price, and others suffered injuries far worse than just losing a leg.  These are the people who need our support the most.  

And at a time when there has been much criticism of the Afghanistan withdrawal strategy under the current administration, it is important to remember that the troops coming home did their jobs and did their jobs well. We should not confuse the decisions of our current president or his top generals with the sacrifices made by the rank-and-file enlisted men and women of our military. 

After 23 years, my time in active military duty came to an end. At that point, I took a position with a nonprofit group overseeing the distribution of millions of meals to veterans, first responders and those in need.  Many organizations like mine are always in need of volunteers. I understand that everyone has a life full of responsibilities, commitments, and busy schedules.  But if you have the time, please consider getting involved in these veterans’ support organizations. Many communities already have groups you can volunteer at or support financially. I cannot begin to tell you how much of a difference you can make in the lives of our veterans just by letting them know you care enough to show up.  

At a minimum this Veterans Day, please take a moment to remember all of those who sacrificed for our country.  

We are the land of the free because of the brave.

• Jay Collins is a Purple Heart recipient and 23-year veteran of our Armed Forces.  He is currently a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives for Florida’s 14th District.

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